Category Archives: Istanbul

Fog in the Desert I

With 19 flights I guess it was inevitable that something would go wrong. But, that fog in Abu Dhabi, causing the closeure of the airport for one hour, would cause us to miss four flights and lose our money on three pre-paid hotel and ferry reservations–that we didn’t count on. Nor did we count on British Airlines (we used miles from them) not making good on our missed flights because we didn’t give them 24 hours notice Australia time–which would have meant telling them of our delay two hours before we even knew there was a problem.

And then there’s Etihad Airlines (world’s leading airline in 2014, according to their self-promotional ads referencing no media I ever heard of) that could turn a 1-hour closure into a fiasco for thousands of travelers. 

Here are the details:
1. Saturday. Marcia and I arrived at the Istanbul International Airport the morning after a lovely evening in a great city. The airport is VERY security conscious–they have two full X-ray, shoes off, pat-down security points–the first is as you enter the airport; the second as you go to the gates. They also inspect your passport when entering And leaving the country.
2. The Etihad agent could not understand our booking. We paid bucks to fly from Istanbul to Abu Dhabi (couldn’t use miles) and miles to fly from Abu Dhabi to Sydney. After a half hour of telling us it was wrong, she involved a supervisor and they somehow welded the two flight together to make a single trip. I say “welded” because when problems hit, no one could undo the flight plan so that it could be updated and changed.
3. 11am, ETD board shows a 3-hour delay. We have lunch and are very philosophic because we still can make our second flight. 
4. 3pm, ETD board shows 6-hour delay. We are now scheduled to leave Istanbul two hours after our flight to Sydney is scheduled to leave. Safir gets the bright idea to call American Airlines (whose miles we used for Etihad) and push up our Sydney flight one day. We’ll just overnight in Abu Dhabi and avoid the rebooking rush. Marcia does her magic with American and all seems well. they just need Etihad to release the flight. One little problem, no one, American Airlines or us, can get through to Etihad. But they said they will keep trying.
5. 5pm, ETD board shows cancelled flight to Abu Dhabi. No announcements, no info–just the word “cancelled” in Turkish and English. Looks like we better see about a hotel room. So I go in search of the airport hotel while Marcia rechecks with American about our rescheduled flight. Glad we did that.
6. Strolled by Information on the way to the hotel and on a whim asked if Etihad had an office in the airport. No, but there is a transfer desk.
7. American still can’t confirm with Etihad. Marcia and I wander over to the transfer desk where chaos reigns. Many people are in need of all kinds of transfers. See someone in some kind of uniform and ask about Etihad–“Oh, don’t stand in line, you need to get your bags!” She takes our boarding passes and Passports, makes copies, and tells us where to go.
8. We stumble around the airport to the magic Passport Control #2–another chaotic line that I break into to get us out of the secure area and into the hidden Baggage Claim #11. The display shows  a flight from Russia, but our bags are doing the Hora around the carousel.
9. Grab the bags, see another uniformed person and ask what to do. “You must take the bus.” What bus? “Etihad bus.” What? Are we driving to Abu Dhabi? “Bus goes to the hotel–follow her it’s leaving now!” We jog through the airport after the fastest rep in the world.
10. Last two people on the bus (apparently, there also was a later one). Ten-minute trip to a hotel so popular that it has 200 rooms available at any time. Nice room with towels under the windows to keep the rain out. It hasn’t rained in days but the towels are still wet. But, the bed is comfy and they have a buffet to feed us. And, credit where credit is due, Etihad is picking up the tab.
11. 11pm, American Airlines has succeeded in contacting Etihad and securing a new flight to Sydney. The hotel says the hotel guests will be picked up the next morning to get on our flight to Abu Dhabi. It has been a long day but it has ended well. I take a shower in the only shower stall I’ve ever seen whose floor slants away from the drain. More towels.