
Over the course of our trip, we’ve been to three Muslim countries: Turkey, Abu Dhabi, and Malaysia. Meanwhile, the French, Belgians, and Germans have been battling terrorist incidents. There is a disconnect. The people we have met–and I’m not just talking about those in the service industries catering to western tourists, but those we meet as fellow visitors and citizens on the street–have been unfailingly friendly, kind, and helpful. Sure, you can’t see a smile behind a burka, but you can hear it in a voice or the crinkle of a smile in the eyes. 

I’m not saying my individual observations are more accurate than our media, necessarily. But, I don’t have a political agenda to push, a constituency to please, or an axe to grind. From the outside looking in, it would appear the U.S. media, at least, is promoting confrontation. 

Are there protesters upset with the depiction of their prophet by non-believers? I haven’t seen any, but the world is a large place, and I am sure that out of millions of Muslims there are hundreds in the streets for the cameras. But, anyone see any anti-Christ cartoons lately? Wonder why? Maybe we have our taboos too.

I’m beginning to think that governments and media prejudice their citizens and consumers for their own ends. They’re not the statesmen or newsmen they pretend to be, but ranting Archie Bunkers and we all are too disconnected from the rest of the world to realize it.

2 thoughts on “Hate”

    1. Well, the blog was written 5 years ago, but I am afraid the media and too many politicians haven’t improved over time. In fact, things seem to have gotten worse.

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