On The Beautiful Blue(?) Danube

Water is not blue and neither are rivers, including the Danube. But it is beautiful. We boarded our boat, the River Beatrice (the Germans pronounce it “bee-at-tress”) in the small town of Passau. Passau is so quaint it could be made from gingerbread. It is at the junction of the Danube and two other rivers. A couple of years ago, storms caused the Danube to flood at nearly 40 feet above high water and the area was devastated. While there is still some construction to be done, the town and area have been restored to their picturesque past, and it is easy to imagine why Strauss could be inspired by the sight to write perhaps his most famous waltz. 

It’s been two days and we have yet to hear the waltz, but I’d bet bucks to bratwurst, we will not get off the boat without hearing it at least twice. All anyone has been playing since we landed in Europe 10 days ago is Christmas music. And most of the music is American, especially Bing Crosby. Man, I’m beginning to feel like I’m in a “road” picture. But, with Christmas only an eve away, I can hear the violins and violas tuning up in 4/4 time.

Update: Didn’t figure on Boxing Day. This is a kind of second day of Christmas, and so the tuning I heard was for more “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Interestingly, the old guy is not popular in Austria, where we are now. Their Christmas vision is, as their are the first to admit, slightly weird. A roughly 10-year-old Christ goes from door to door delivering presents. The weird part is that Christ is always portrayed as a girl. Our Austrian guide had no explanation except for “tradition.”
Update II: Snow! It’s snowing hard enough to make me feel like I’m in an Euopean snow globe. Cold, wet, but pretty.

2 thoughts on “On The Beautiful Blue(?) Danube”

  1. Eager to get your notes how you travelled Munich to Dachua to Passau as we may do same. Though sure don’t want to see new Dachau dorms. Funny the Austrians lump Boxing Day into Santa time.
    Njoying the land of perpetual Sun, dazed tho I am from lack of sleep due to the crashing of the sea here. No whining; it’s all great.
    Hope you’re practicing your steps for the big celebration!

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