
Wallaby about the size of a baboon. If your zoo membership has expired and the analogy doesn't work for you, try this: about the size of a weekender suitcase without the front zippered pocket (that would be a female wallaby).
Wallaby about the size of a baboon. If your zoo membership has expired and the analogy doesn’t work for you, try this: about the size of a weekender suitcase without the front zippered pocket (that would be a female wallaby).

So, some viewers might be wondering why there are no Tasmania national park blogs. Most of our best shots were taken with our cameras and, skipping the messy details, I need a computer, not an iPad, to translate them into something I can post. And, photos are worth at least a hundred of my words of description. 

We saw no kangaroos on our trip–there are none on Tasmania. But there are wallabys. And, if a miniature poodle is still a poodle, wallabys are just  small roos. So, how can I write about Australia without posting a shot of a wallaby?

We did see a number of them in the wild, but this guy–it’s a bloke, cause he had no pouch–was looking for a handout in a parking lot. OK, so I gave him a couple of bucks.

One thought on “Wallaby”

  1. Before some science buff rags me for implying kangaroos and wallabys are the same species, they have been experimentally interbred in labs (who funds these things?). Usually, The inability to breed defines a separate species. So maybe, I was pushing the envelope (or pouch) a bit on this one, but it allowed me to do yet one more marsupial joke. Really, folks, Wallabys are the Woody Allens of the macropod world.

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